Does your employee deny you overtime because you are “exempt” or an “administrative” employee? Do you have to work “off the clock” to avoid overtime? Your employer may be violating California law that provides for overtime. In most cases, overtime must be paid as follows:

  • One and a half times your regular rate of pay for work over eight hours and up to twelve hours in a single day;
  • One and a half times your regular rate of pay for the first eight hours of work in the seventh consecutive workday;
  • Two times your rate of pay after work over twelve hours in a single day;
  • Two times your rate of pay after eight hours of work in the seventh consecutive day of work.

Employees must be paid in California for all hours “suffered or permitted to work,” even overtime that is not authorized by the employer. Overtime laws apply to salaried employees, hourly employees, and employees paid by other means such as piece rate employees.